Latest gold Prices

gold mining california gold prices



The names of gold mining tools and inventions may be as numerous as gold miners themselves. These are examples taken from ads(some as early as 1964).
Below the list are images scanned from issues of california mining journal. I have a collection of issues back to 1964. C.M.J is a treasure itself with facinating history and mining tips. (Thank you publishers and writers of cmj) Here is a partial list of gold mining equipment.
Vibrating jigging sluice, table washing trommel, shaker table, black sand trap, american balanced jig, duel hydrofuge concentrator, portable jet, air float tray portable jet, air float tray, carbon absorption columns, electrowinning cells
surface vacum dredges, hand sluice, muck hog, concentrator table, gravity concentrator, metal detector, rock drills, dowsing rods, goldie digger
mercury retort, ore pulverizer, impact mill, dry concentrator table, portable rock crusher, pocket magnemometer, triple sluice dredges, dredge/high banker combinations,
power wheel carts and of course the gold pan now available in plastic. The plastic gold pan is good because one can use a metal detector with it.

Click on the images below to see them in full size to reveal an archive of gold mining equipment and some articles from the california mining journal. After the images an article about backpack gold mining equipment for fine gold.

Click on the images below to see them in full size

gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment
gold mining equipment

video showing gold prospecting equipment


When heading out into the wilderness looking for gold deposits one needs to travel light.

1 small gold pan
2 plastic bottle for gold(glass breaks)
3 folding army type shovel
4 crevicing tool like a screw driver for picking at cracks
5 small whisk broom for sweeping off ledges and material out of cracks into gold pan
6 small pry bar to move/pry rock

Gold Mining secrets #1